Swedish massage therapy is one of the special types of massage that helps to relieve pain in the body in an effective manner. The main objective of this therapy is to provide relaxation throughout the body. This therapy is provided by rubbing the muscles using gliding strokes and handling unique moves over the body.
It is extremely beneficial for decreasing toxins, increasing oxygen supply and improving flexibility in the muscles. A recent study has proved that receiving Swedish massage has significantly lowered the stress hormone (cortisol) level. Also, it has increased the white blood cells and lymphocytes which are the main part to enhance the immune system of our body
Reons Wellness Spa and Massage, best Massage Parlour in Ghatkopar offers different types of massages to its customers and massages are provided under well-practiced therapists.
Reons Wellness Spa and Massage Services
106, Surya House, Near. Somaiya College Vidyavihar,
Station Road, Ghatkopar East, Mumbai,
Maharashtra 400077